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Chicago Tom Bishop Show: April 27-28 (Preview April 26, 2019)

Jen Catron and Paul Outlaw

For over 40 years, Tom Bishop has produced a show featuring work by some of the finest miniaturists on the planet with all of the thrills only miniatures can provide. This year's event will take place during the weekend of April 26-28, 2019 (preview sale April 25) at the Chicago Marriott O'Hare. If you're planning to attend, we encourage you to start plan now, especially if you are traveling and need to make room accommodations since rooms book up quickly. (Photo above: Artist Studio by Erik Goddard).

Here are just a few of the some of our favorite artists scheduled to present at the show and highlights of their work.

Erik Goddard

Miniature by Tiny Goat Films

Architect, artist and miniaturists Erik Goddard creates awesome structures and room boxes, often with interesting stories to tell. This year he will be presenting a two story 1/12th scale "ultra modern house" 1” scale ultra modern house. He'll also be teaching the awesome artist studio during the week leading up the show.

Michael Yurkovic

Michael Yurkovic Atomic Miniature

Engineer, industrial designer and miniaturist Michael Yurkovic from Atomic Miniature creates super mid-century modern furniture and other intricate scaled treasures. Michael will unveil his 1/12 scale vintage typewriter, created with 48 individually hand-turned metal keys.

Kraig Councell

Simon Garfield In Miniature

Kraig Councell from Creative Eye Miniatures is best known for his lovely scale landscaping and florals. Kraig will introduce an assortment of tiny herbs in additional to new potted plants, orchids and lilies. (Photo: Herb Hanger featuring Basil, Lavender, Dill Weed).

Frank Crescente

Ben Thomas

Artist, interior designer and miniaturist Frank Crescente is a master miniaturist who creates stunning scale chandeliers and ornate architectural accessories. While we can't guarantee the breathtaking piece pictured above (from last year's show) will be on view this year, we're sure his table will trill you just the same.


For more information about the upcoming Tom Bishop Show in Chicago, head over to See you at the show!

D. Thomas Fine Miniatures



D. Thomas Miniatures is a retail and gallery destination featuring top quality collectibles including 1/12th scale structure, furniture and accessories. The concept, designed to appeal to collectors, crafters and enthusiasts was created, in part, to raise awareness of miniatures as a decorative art form and to introduce the discipline not only to a new generation but to those who may just be discovering it! The gallery space showcases work in miniature by well-known artists from all over the world.

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D. Thomas Miniatures is an online retail destination featuring artisan miniatures and top quality collectibles. We scour the planet for collections and handle estate sales.  If you have a collection you would like to sell, please get in touch!  We also promote and exhibit fine art miniatures whenever and wherever we can!



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