This Week in Miniatures
Welcome to the latest WEEkly round up of the latest news and reports from the MiniWorld! (Photo: Jasper Leonard)
We're getting ready for our BIG little opening of our latest exhibition BadAss Miniatures – Causing a Little Trouble - - part of the YoHo Artist Open Studio Weekend in our Yonkers, New York location. Click here for full details or message us for more information!
Just Imagine...
Photographer Jasper Leopard helps us imagine New York City in miniature using tilt photography. Click here for an awesome photo album brought to you by Mr. Leopard and CNN.
A Miniature Makeover...
Financial company SoFi uses miniatures to encourage folks to take out a loan to remodel their homes (Hmmm..can we get a loan to redo a dollhouse?). Check out the bonus behind the scenes footage of the making of this commercial!
Who Made That?
The miniaturists responsible for furnishing the dollhouse featured in the film adaptation of Jesse Burton's The Miniaturist are the focus of this story from Film and Furniture.
Loose Ends:
> Cold Spring NY is a lovely place to spend the day or long weekend and to shop our outpost on Main Street in this historic village! Check out 10 Best Things to Do in Cold Spring from Trip Advisor.
> Tiny goes BIG in Beijing as a tiny city in miniature will greet tourists at this new attraction (From: The Beijinger)
> We're just weeks away from the biggest miniatures event of the year: the Tom Bishop Show in Chicago during the weekend of April 27th (see you there!)
We hope you enjoyed this WEEkly update. Be sure to share this post with other miniacs and have them subscribe here so they never miss an update!
D. Thomas Miniatures is a retail and gallery destination featuring top quality collectibles including 1/12th scale structure, furniture and accessories. The concept, designed to appeal to collectors, crafters and enthusiasts was created, in part, to raise awareness of miniatures as a decorative art form and to introduce the discipline not only to a new generation but to those who may just be discovering it! The gallery space showcases work in miniature by well-known artists from all over the world.